Learn more about Our Objectives
Find out how we want to improve entrepreneurial environments in the field of culture across Europe!
Our Objectives
The objectives of the project are:
Objective #1
Provide youth workers with validated, detailed and concise creative business models in different fields of the creativity domains (cultural tourism, media sector, theatre, movies etc).
Objective #2
Transfer to the youth social entrepreneurship elements, new media skills and support in working collaboratively on a creative enterprise idea through blended training and gamified solutions.
Objective #3
Improving young people IT skills and stimulating innovation.
Objective #4
Improve intercultural dialogue between young Europeans and stimulate business approaches aiming at fostering young people’s entrepreneurial and management attitudes.
Objective #5
Improve entrepreneurial initiatives among young people by creating a business idea in the creative sector and by developing a Guide on how to build up a creative business.